More from Delores Kight

June 30, 2024 by Delores Kight (Florida, USA)

As I mentioned in my devotion “Peaceful Sleep,” during a small-group discussion at my church, a friend named Lee, who was a retired school psychologist, offered advice on how to fall asleep easier. As soon as I heard his advice, I thought, “This information is too important to stay in this room. It could help many people.”

Later, as I pondered the suggestion, I remembered God’s words in Genesis—at the end of each day God created, he looked at what he had done that day, not at what he wanted to do the next day. I felt God showed us a model of how he wants us to behave at the end of every day, so I decided to write a devotion to share with readers of The Upper Room.

Over the three years since learning and using this method, I’ve suggested it to others. I’ve also learned that many factors can contribute to a poor night’s sleep. The method Lee shared that I described in my devotion works best when your mind wants to race ahead to plan the next day’s activities.

This technique also helps when you’ve had a difficult day. As you search your mind for the good that happened that day, it refocuses your thoughts away from unpleasant ones to pleasant ones. As you discover the good memories from your day, it’s important to dwell on them, thank God for what was good about each of them, and say, “Thank you, God. It was good.”

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Image by: Guy MOLL