More From Kumalawaty Sundari

June 26, 2024 by Kumalawaty Sundari (Jakarta, Indonesia)

My mother is always sick due to her uncontrollable stress. However, a few years ago my brothers and I were shocked when we received a message from our father that during our mother’s vacation with a tour group in Mongolia, she suddenly felt very weak after vomiting due to her intolerance of the local food. From then on she was unwell, experiencing no appetite and suffering stomach discomfort. She was hospitalized in Mongolia for one day and given an IV, but the group tour was leaving the next day for Beijing, China. All of us worried about her so much, wondering how she would make such a long journey in her condition. However, my father was with her, and the tour guide cared about her so much during her sickness. In Beijing she got another IV and tried to join the tour as best as she could.

At that time my sister proposed an idea to let her stay at hospital in Beijing for a few days till she regained her energy again, but my mother insisted that she could come home. My sister could not prevent our mother from traveling, but she said that she would wait at the airport on the day our mother arrived home so she could bring her to the nearest hospital and make sure she was treated well until she recovered fully. In my family, all of us are busy, even though we live so close one another. This was not the first time that my brothers asked me to accompany my mother at hospital, even though I also have a freelance job as a writer with tight deadline. They are able to take vacations abroad, although they say they have lots to do daily.

For me, it was unjust for me to be at the hospital with my mother for one or two weeks since my brothers never care about me. Nevertheless, I realized that God wanted me to do so as the Spirit moved me. God assured me that all shall be fine with me if I spend time taking care of my mom. As I obeyed the Holy Spirit’s call, not only could I see that God protected my mother from harm as she soon recovered from her sickness, but my daily life, including my job, was also blessed abundantly. I really felt how my life could go smoothly and that the Lord could fulfill all that I need in amazing ways. It was as if the time and energy that I had spent to care for my mother was repaid by God, who saw the sincerity of my heart to serve her.

Since God is love, nothing should prevent us when we have an opportunity to share love with others, even though it may seem that we must leave behind our main priorities to do so. Indeed, we are the children of God when we spread God’s love to those who are in need. God’s sweet blessings will flow into our life till everything is fine with us and we are completely satisfied!

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Image by: Guy MOLL