More From Todd Diedrich

May 20, 2024 by Todd Diedrich (Wisconsin, USA)

Acting in love as the hands and feet of Christ is difficult and requires a maturity to do what Christ would have you do. Busy schedules, the hurry of the day, or unexpected interruptions can quickly cause us to make excuses for not doing something we know we ought to.

Case in point: A few weeks ago, my family and I were en route to complete some errands that had piled up. We set out with good intentions to complete our entire errand list within the afternoon. The first stop, the second stop, and even the third stop proved successful. En route to our fourth stop, however, I found myself faced with the dilemma of whether to serve as the hands and feet of Christ.

Standing at the gas pump fueling our vehicle, I looked up and saw across the parking lot an elderly gentleman hunched over, pulling a small grocery cart filled with a few meager grocery items he had purchased in the gas station’s convenience store. The weather was lousy that afternoon with pouring rain, gusty winds, and the prospect of more of the same for the remainder of the day. I watched the man struggle as he slowly made his way through the parking lot. For a fleeting moment, I reasoned the right thing to do was to offer a ride to the man.

I finished filling the vehicle, got in, and began making my way toward the exit, all while trying to justify my non-action. Almost to the exit, I spotted the man slowly propelling forward one saggy step at a time. I knew I needed to stop and be the hands and feet of Christ. I stopped in the middle of the exit, got out of my vehicle, approached the man, and asked if he would like a ride. Without hesitation, he took my offer.

The pouring rain and gusty wind seemed no match for me as I assisted the man into the car and quickly loaded his grocery cart and groceries in the trunk. Inside, I asked, “So, what’s your name?” In a rapid response, he said, “People call me Mike, the lean mean walking machine.” I smiled at this response and knew in my heart that Mike, the lean mean walking machine’s ride home was my witness of Christ in my life.

Friends, don’t miss or almost miss an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ. I believe it may be fair to say that opportunities to serve in big and small ways abound all around. Be courageous, stand up, and take action; be the hands and feet of Christ.

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Image by: Guy MOLL