March 2024 Wednesday Study Questions

February 28, 2024 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

March 6: Let God In

1. If you give up something for Lent, what do you usually choose? Why? How does that practice affect you during Lent? If you don’t give up something, how else do you honor the season of Lent?
2. If you knew you were going to die in 40 days, what would you do? What would you give up? What would you start doing?
3. Have you ever continued a Lenten practice beyond the season of Lent? If so, why? If not, would you ever consider doing so? Why or why not?
4. What would it look like for you to practice Lent every day? How would this change your relationship with God and your relationships with others?
5. What is separating you from God today? What prevents you from letting go of whatever separates you from God? How might letting it go draw you closer to God and help you better follow Christ’s leading in your life?

March 13: In God’s Time

1. Have you ever had to restart a project partway through? Why did you have to alter your original plan? What was the outcome of the situation?
2. Recall a time when you witnessed a long process. What did you learn from witnessing that process? How did that remind you of the ways God is working in your life?
3. When have you noticed God doing a new thing in your life? In what ways did that new thing change you or your life? How do you remain alert to God at work in you each day?
4. What scriptures remind you most of God’s presence and work in your life? Name some spiritual practices that help you remain aware of and open to God’s presence. In what ways do these practices bring you closer to God?
5. How can you tell when God is at work in you? In what ways do you proclaim God’s great work to others?

March 20: Guiding Light

1. Describe a time when you were grateful for light. Why was light so important for you in that moment? What did you learn from that experience?
2. When you are in the dark, do you ever feel scared or helpless? Why or why not? Why do you think a light in the darkness is so comforting and encouraging?
3. How do you think showing kindness to others shares God’s light with them? What other behaviors and characteristics help spread God’s light among us?
4. Do you find it easy or difficult to keep your light shining when you experience struggles? Why? What helps you to shine God’s light in every circumstance?
5. When have you most clearly been shown the light of God through others? How do you strive to shine God’s light on those around you? What programs or ministries in your church or community help shine the light of God to others?

March 27: A Servant of God

1. When have you volunteered in a way that allowed you to connect with the people you were serving? How did those relationships enrich your experience? What else enriched your volunteering experience?
2. When you volunteer, do you consider yourself a servant of God or just a volunteer? Why? Does your answer change depending on your circumstances? If so, how?
3. When you think of serving God, what first comes to your mind? Now dig a bit deeper — what other types of service come to mind? What daily actions do you engage in that fit in to these ways of serving?
4. What does it mean to you to live God’s words and do God’s work? Describe ways you have witnessed transformation as a result of living this way.
5. When have others built you up by serving you? When have you helped build others up through serving them? What could the world look like if more people took time to imitate the Lord and serve others?

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Image by: Guy MOLL