December 2023 Wednesday Study Questions

November 29, 2023 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

December 6: Prepare Him Room

1. Have you ever felt unable to enjoy Advent or prepare for Christmas?  What was your situation?  Were you eventually able to enjoy the season? Why or why not?
2. What parts of Advent and the Christmas season are most important to you?  How do these activities and traditions help you to focus on Christ and celebrate his birth?
3. What songs and hymns remind you of what truly matters at Christmas?  What role do these songs and hymns play in your preparation for and participation in Christmas activities?
4. How does your community help you embrace the Christmas season?  In what ways does the companionship and service of those around you enrich your experience of Advent and Christmas?
5. What does it look like for you to prepare room for Christ in your heart?  How do you do this?  Do you ever find it difficult to prepare room?  Why or why not?

December 13: Who Needs Christmas?

1. How does the Christmas season make you feel?  Why?
2. How are you affected by Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel’s news that she would be the mother of Jesus?  Do you imagine you would so readily accept such life-changing news?  Explain how you think you would respond in her position and why.
3. When you find aspects of your life or situation troublesome, what do you typically do about them?  How does your faith change the way you respond to difficult situations?
4. Does Christmastime ever bring up negative emotions for you?  Why or why not?  What helps you to find the good during this time, despite the painful feelings it may bring?
5. Have you ever found it challenging to accept God’s direction for your life?  Who in scripture reminds you to embrace God’s leading?  Who in your life helps you cling to your faith in these times?

December 20: What Can I Give?

1. Which activities and services are you unable to participate in this Christmas that you wish you could?  How does it make you feel that you are unable to be involved in these activities?
2. What songs, stories, or scriptures help you to focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t?  In what ways do they encourage you?
3. Name specific gifts that you have to offer God and your community.  How will you embrace those gifts this Christmas season and in the new year?
4. When have you observed seemingly small actions make a big difference for others?  What does this teach you about the importance of every act of service?
5. In what ways does your attitude change when you act in service of God rather than in your own best interests?  What does it mean to you that God honors all acts of service done in God’s name?

December 27: Stewardship

1. Have you ever donated a kidney, bone marrow, blood, hair, or some other physical part of yourself?  If so, describe your experience.  If not, would you be willing to do so?  Why or why not?
2. Recall a time when you gave from your own abundance to meet the need of a neighbor.  How did the experience enrich your life and the life of the person you helped?
3. What situation has taught you the most about the importance of giving?  Explain why that situation taught you so much.  How have you changed your behavior or mindset because of that situation?
4. When you think of giving to those in need, what types of giving come to mind first?  Now think outside the box — what other resources could you share with others?
5. What does a life of stewardship look like?  What does it mean to you to view everything you have as belonging to God?  In what ways do you seek to expand your stewardship each day?

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Image by: Guy MOLL