More from Meliana Santoso

October 5, 2017 by Meliana Santoso (East Java, Indonesia)

I'm a girl who really loves natural scenery. When compared to a view of high buildings, I always prefer to see the sea, a lake, or a mountain. When I was a child, I liked the moon and the stars. I often noticed the moon and the stars at night. I wondered if there was a princess who lived there like a story I had read when I was child. As I grew up, I began to think more about the tasks I had to do. I rarely paid attention to the the beauty of natural scenery, or the moon and the stars.

Meliana with her father Go Gwan Jung

On the night I wrote about, my father stood on the porch of my home, and he called me to see the stars in the sky that were shining so beautifully. The more I saw, the more I could not understand. I wondered why God put the beautiful stars in the sky when they are only visible when the world is covered in darkness and gloom when everyone is asleep.

I am an anxious and worried person. I like to see that all things in my life went well. I feel so happy if I know that everything I have done is perfect. When I have had a problem, I have often thought about it day and night, and sometimes I could not sleep. Some of my friends said that I think too much. When I told my brothers and sisters in Christ about my worries, they advised me to leave everything to God. When I learned to give everything to God, I felt my heart was free, and I could feel God's love, mercy, grace, and blessings in my life. And the most important thing was I could start replacing my worries, fears, anxiety, and grievances with thanksgiving for all that God has done in my life.

I realized that in my life, I have to do the best I can do for myself, my family, my friends, and others. But when I face a problem and when I feel the burden is so heavy that I cannot bear it, I have to learn to leave it all to God. When I have done my best, I believe God will finish the rest for me. As the sun rises in the morning and shines upon the earth with its warm light, and as the moon and stars that shine beautifully in the night, God is on my side, always with me, and will never leave me alone.

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Image by: Guy MOLL